Create Your Account



If you were given a Fast Pass tag (example above) when you signed up, please use that as your Customer ID. If you did not receive a Fast Pass Tag, then you will put in your License Plate for your Customer ID.

License Plate Example: ABC1234-AZ
Fast Pass Example:

When entering your Customer ID (FastPass or License plate number), please enter it as it appears, with no spaces in between the numerals or symbols.

Step 1

Do You Have A Fast Pass ID Or License Plate Number?

If you were given a Fast Pass tag (example below) when you signed up, please use that as your Customer ID.

Customers may not have a Fast Pass ID, as many accounts only use license plate numbers. If this is your case, please select No below, and you will be able to use your license plate to create your account.

Fast Pass Example:


Step 2

Please Fill in Your Account Info

Please enter your Fast Pass ID & Last Four Digits of your credit card below.

Fast Pass Example:

When entering your Fastpass ID, please enter it as it appears, with no spaces in between the numerals or symbols.

If you incorrectly selected
Yes, click the button below and select No in Step 1.

Back to Step 1



Step 2

Please Fill in Your Account Info

License Plate Example: ABC1234
State Example: 

If you incorrectly selected No, click the button below and select Yes in Step 1.

Back to Step 1
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